Friday, April 29, 2011

tubby time

both my girls (especially violet) love to be their craziest in the tub for some reason. i had to be careful snapping these pictures because at any given moment, violet could've tried some crazy move for the camera and knocked her teeth out. she is trouble. she likes to say, "splash? no!" and then do it anyway. olivia has taken to using violet as her test dummy.. she likes to make her do or wear things and dump water on her head instead of her own. violet is fortunately amused...for now.

olivia likes to do these little half dunks in the water to pretend she's swimming. not quite brave enough to put her whole face in. :)

basically i just posted this instead of posting about easter because i'm too tired to sort through all my pictures. i think i just need to stop taking so many pictures... then i wouldn't have this problem! 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

good times in the backyard

we bought our house last june and moved in around august or september, after some renovating. i can honestly say that this week was the first time we actually really,truly utilized the backyard. lest you think every person in florida has a pool, here are pictures to prove that is not the case...exactly. some of us have a $9.99 kiddie pool from target plus a slide for some real fun. olivia and violet weren't sure what to think of this newfound land to explore but they love it now. the other day olivia was trying to climb through the window in the living room to get to the backyard. need to familiarize her with those darn back doors that she's never been through until this week since apparently we are hermits and stay indoors 24/7. truth be told, i didn't realize how great of shape (relatively speaking) the yard is actually in, which brought me to a more reasonable comfort level in terms of traipsing around in it. anyway, the pool, slide and bouncy balls in the grass were a hit and we'll definitely be doing this more often. playing outside at your OWN house- who knew!? much better than packing up and going to the park some days. do i sound like as big of an idiot as i feel like as i type this? although i have a list of 50 items large and small that i still want to do around this house, i was definitely feeling lucky this week that we have it as good as we do just the way it is. kudos to adam for working day and night (literally) to get us this little joint! we were laughing the other day when we were laying in bed, both on our phones...adam doing work email and me looking at stuff for the house online... money in, money out! good times.

ok, enjoy the pics.

 olivia chose to slide in with the popcorn she had been eating poolside (and the stupid binky which she has gotten reattached to recently after being sick... kill me)
 violet was quite happy to catch the bowl and have a little snack in the water!

no shoes, no shorts? no problem in the backyard!

note sure why we've failed to remove these random blocks from the back of the house but olivia had a good time climbing on them and saying "marching on the bricks!!" sure thing!

PS- on a side note... need a little reader poll...since there are so many of you and all. below is the TV wall in our house. i've been debating what to do above the TV for a while. i feel like it needs something to close that area in..doesn't have to be huge, obviously.. just something. i've thought about a clock, some series of 3, continuing the photos to the left with more frames, a DIY art piece that i should link to show you but i won't.... and who knows what else. any ideas??????? ps if you're wondering if that is a box of spaghetti next to the TV, it is. violet brought it to me and said, "cack-oo?" (cracker). good try, baby vi!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I am soo crafty

Just bought 2 of these... make 2 of these!

Wish me luck! We had the same Easter baskets all growing up and while I am definitely known to dump any and all things holiday into my cart at Target, I'd like to take a more long-lasting, sentimental approach to the Easter baskets, the Christmas stockings, etc. Mmmk? Here's to finishing this task before Olivia's 3rd Easter and Violet's 2nd! Better late than never, right?

Tutorial here if you're interested.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, April 1, 2011


I act like anyone reads my blog for recommendations on anything. I am aware that is not quite the case, but I don't have much else to blog about so I thought I'd share these few things...

Love these. Nothing more annoying than trying to make a grilled cheese with a slice of cheese that doesn't fill up the bread. And, they are the same as the regular slices as far as nutrition goes. They're just a little thinner, which I like better anyway.

These are really good. I'm not sure if the "Flat Out" brand is sold everywhere, but it's definitely at Publix for my FL friends.

Totally invested $3.99 in this beauty today at 7-11. Embarrassing to say the least.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone