Monday, October 19, 2009

68 degrees!

you might think olivia is smiling so big in these shots because she loves the swings. true, but i think she's smiling because we are finally at the park and NOT sweating!

we've had two park days in the past 72 hours that have been basically heat free. we are a happy family.

in other news, see below to find out what happens when you leave your lunch in your child's reach when you go downstairs for 10 seconds......

delish, mom! please note this is after she REFUSED to eat her own lunch.


Rachel said...

Seriously, the weather has been amazing the past 3 days! I don't feel like I'm in Florida anymore. I'm really excited for the next few months' weather! And, I'm glad you and Olivia can enjoy the park sweat-less...

Shannon said...

Okay that smile kills me! Seriously cannot believe you are going to have 2 of those adorable girls.

D3AB said...

I love her hair in those pigtails! So cute. I am glad it is cooling down for you there :)

J & J said...

oh man. i miss olivia-- she is so hilarious. glad to hear that insane weather is calming down. i won't lie...don't miss the FL heat. but do miss you. hope things are going well!