Tuesday, June 7, 2011


this year we had a pretty packed weekend...but we can't complain. it was fun to do a little of our own thing, and see both of our families. saturday we went to an easter egg hunt in our city that apparently should be an olympic event. the younger age group was 0-7....aka all the 5-7 year olds got the eggs. it was like a wave... every time i thought we were getting close to eggs, they got scooped up by some big kid a row in front of us. luckily they had a consolation table where you could get a few eggs and a beautiful necklace so my girls were happy with that.  sunday morning, we did a quick bunny bread breakfast (a tradition i took from my family... although i do recall my mom's looking more like actual bunnies than mine...which looked like big blobs of bread) and easter baskets. the girls liked their finds...i also decided to start a new tradition of getting the girls a new swimsuit and cover up for their baskets. maybe i should give myself this gift too?? chances are i'll be buying those items around this time of year anyway, so might as well make it count for something! we went to church and then sped (literally) over to my grandparents on the coast for lunch and visiting. then the girls caught a nap in the car while we drove home to change clothes and go to adam's parents' house for a little more eating and a few games. then it was home for a bath and B-E-D! here are the pics to prove it.

olivia's class party @ preschool

city of WP egg hunt

 a little pit stop at home depot on the way home :)


 my grocery store easter lily that lasted a surprisingly long time!

 grandma & me

 olivia and her great-granddaddy

 vi ready for some action at papa joel & gigi's house




 the only shot i got of olivia in her dress...

 and the only shot of violet in hers. boo! i kept saying i would put them back on and take a pic but it's been over a month so that's not looking too promising. they looked super cute, though! 

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