Tuesday, March 22, 2011


stole this from a friend. is it telling me that attempting to organize my house from top to bottom yesterday while my kids watched 400 hours of bubble guppies was not a good idea?? oops. jokes, jokes. really, though...turns out babies do turn into kids who turn into adults... how depressing is that!? 


Katie said...

A little sad, a little cute, a lot true. Sigh...

p.s. wow, that bubble guppies song gets stuck in your head like nothing else.

Brooke said...

love, love, love it! i'm still hoping jess will find the print for me.

Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

friend? BEST friend.

Lauren said...

I love this - it's so funny you posted this. I've been saying this in my head for weeks now. My mom had a needlepoint of this with duckies and bottles (circa 1991) when my brother was born. What a darling poem.

:) PS Bubble Guppies Rocks. And NEVER feel bad about putting your kids in front of the tube. NO big deal. :)

Heather and Dave said...

You got the house organized? Woohoo! It must be spring cleaning around your neck of the woods. It's too cold here to feel like spring, so the cleaning/yardwork will have to wait. shucks ;)

Unknown said...

Not so bad when they turn out like you.