Friday, March 26, 2010


who would've thought this little sweetface had surgery today?! well, i feel kind of lame calling it that...but that's what the doctor called it and we did have to go to an outpatient surgical center and she did have a visit with the anesthesiologist to be put under for like 10 minutes so i think it's a legit claim. not to worry, she was only having tubes put in her ears. i won't go into the drama leading up to that happening, but it's good to have it over with. she was a little champ and had a totally normal day afterwards.


Allison said...

aww she is just all smiles for mama!!! how cute. love the GIANT diet dr pepper in the back ground =)

Katie said...

she looks so cute in these photos! the ddp 36-pack made me laugh. miss you guys.

Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

oh we need to talk asap! brody has his E.N.T. appointment on Monday morning! She's just checking to see if he needs tubes, but considering the fact that he's had chronic ear aches for the past 8 months, I think its a green light.
p.s. her romper is adorable!

Erica said...

So cute! Love her smile in these. And yes we have twiners! Minus the fact that your daughter has way cuter hair! Camryn's needs to grow so bad! Such a mullet right now!

D3AB said...

Yay! You will see such difference!

Heather and Dave said...

Glad all went well - she's such a cutie!

Allie said...

Ear tubes are a miracle. Hopefully she won't need a second round of them, but my life is so much calmer now that Zack has tubes again. It is a quick and routine procedure, but I agree that anything involving anesthesia is surgery. Your girls are so cute!!!