Thursday, January 28, 2010


so overall, we're not really thinking olivia and violet look much alike. these shots are practically identical and it is cracking me up how much bigger olivia looks (top) basically just because of her big noggin. they were only 5 ounces different in weight but violet has a much smaller head, as you can clearly see. i will say they have the exact same little furrowed brow and maybe the same mouth? that's about it though, i think. i'll blog more later about what's been going on around here since the arrival of sister #2.... just thought this was a funny little comparison.


Shannon said...

That is so funny and adorable. And clearly the hospital blankets never change, no matter where you go!

The McGraths said...

So precious! I forgot how sweet and small infants are... I already miss it! Hope you are enjoying every second!

Blogful said...

They definitely are different, but both so cute. It's funny how much Olivia looks like herself in that picture. I know that might sound weird, but it seems like little babies don't look much themselves when they get older. Cute girls!

Katie said...

omg identical!!

Jamie said...

Does Katie really think they look identical? No way! They don't look a thing a like. Of course, they evolve so much that they could end up looking like twinners in due time. Both are little cutie pies, that's for sure.