Saturday, July 12, 2008


will not be induced until tuesday the 22nd. praying i go into labor this week instead. goodbye.


Erika Anderson said...

Oh, I'm so sorry....that is a killer! I know its pointless to say "get some rest" because anyone who has been 9 months pregnant knows that you can't really "rest"...everything hurts and you are so uncomfortable! Just have a hot fudge sundae and finish it off with a tums and lets us know any new details!

Shelly Hyde said...

oh abbie you poor soul! We will be praying for you too!

Brooke Wilkins said...

Abbie I feel so bad for you! THat is such a bummer! I hope you go into labor this week!

kristen lubbe said...

yay, i can't wait to see pictures :)

Lauren said...

good luck abbie! I'll keep my fingers crossed for a quick labor!

...m said...

Oh man...7 more days! That must feel like an eternity to you. I bet you are so ready. Can't wait for it to come...but I bet you are even more excited!