Friday, July 15, 2011

happy birthday, olivia faye!

july 15, 2008 

 may 2011 (my more recent pics of her actual birthday are on the other computer, i'll post some of those later)

happy birthday today to our first born baby girl. i hope i never forget the look of that brand new baby girl's face shown to me over the c-section curtain (glamorous, i know). round as round can be and screaming her head off! that face looks a little older now, and even more cute (if that's possible!), but she is still our sweet baby #1! can't believe she's 3.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of july beach week

we just got home from a week at the beach for the 4th of july. we had a great time! i'll update on our trip and a few other things i've probably missed in all the non-blogging i've been doing recently, but for now, here are our cute beach babes enjoying their vacation.

(thanks to katie for the pics)